Professor of Medicine
Division of Gastroenterology
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB
Dr. Dieleman is Professor of Medicine, clinician-scientist and the Director of IBD Clinical Research at the Division of Gastroenterology at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada.
Dr. Dieleman is originally from the Netherlands, received his MD degree from Catholic University of Nijmegen in 1983, finished his Internal Medicine training at Leiden in 1989, and his clinical GI training at the Free University of Amsterdam in 1996. Between his clinical training he received a Fogarty Fellowship from NIH that formed the basis of his PhD studies on the role of cytokines in experimental and human IBD with Dr. Charles Elson at UAB Birmingham, Alabama and he subsequently received his PhD degree in 1995 at the Free University of Amsterdam during his clinical GI Fellowships. Dr Dieleman then emigrated to join the GI Division as Assistant Professor in Chapel Hill North Carolina. Under the mentorship of Dr. Balfour Sartor he received a KO8 and RO3 Award from NIH. Since 2003 Dr Dieleman is at the University of Alberta.
Dr. Dieleman is an internationally recognized scientist on the role of intestinal bacteria, probiotics, prebiotics and diets for the pathogenesis and treatment of IBD. He has been continuously funded by NIH, CIHR, Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada and Alberta Innovates since 1998 and has published over 100 original articles and book chapters in several high ranked journals.