Munkholm, Pia

Pia Munkholm

University of Copenhagen
Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
North Zealand University Hospital
Copenhagen, Denmark

Dr. Munkholm is a consultant of internal medicine and gastroenterology at Herlev University Hospital, Copenhagen. She is head of DCCD, Danish Crohn Colitis Database, a national registry and regional leader of the day hospital at the gastroenterology department at Herlev. Dr. Munkholm received her medical degree from the University of Copenhagen.

Dr. Munkholm is an active member of many professional organisations, including the AGA, American Gastroenterology Association, the ECCO, European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation and the EC-IBD, European Collaboration in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. She has served on boards of various private as public funding. She is a member of the Danish patient organization counselling board CCF, Crohn Colitis Foundation and a former member of the Danish Gastroenterology Society.

Dr. Munkholm’s doctoral thesis, 1997: “”Crohn’s disease-occurrence, course and prognosis: An epidemiologic cohort study””, describes a Danish unselected cohort during 25 years. The definition of steroid dependency is partly the basis of many infliximab studies.

Dr. Munkholm has served as referee in numerous journals, including Gut, Gastroenterology, New England Journal of Medicine, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Furthermore, counselling and validating for Broad Foundation, USA. Her main topics of research are epidemiology, pattern recognition of disease courses, IBD Therapy and genetics.